Grow Solutions
From site selection to construction to equiping to staffing and training and startup, we can guide your project from inception to maturity.
Services available in the grow solution
Site Selection & Construction
We’ll evaluate your site for suitability, help you prepare a suitable budget, design your indoor or outdoor facility and manage the construction project for you.
Equipment Selection
We’ll discuss your various indoor and outdoor grow alternatives, help you put together a budget, order and install the equipment, and write up your standard operating procedures.
Staffing and Training
We’ll put together your job descriptions, help you put together a staffing budget, help you select and hire suitable management and staff, and provide all necessary training to assure a successful operation.
Ready to get a best solution for your business?
We help YOU put together the business plan that’s right for YOU. Then we help YOU make it a reality with the right facility, the right equipment and supplies, the right staff, the right training, and the right marketing plan.